The Ministry of Transportations of the Republic of Indonesia has issued a Ministerial Regulation (PM No 25/2020). It was announced on April 23, 2020 and took effect starting April 24, 2020.
It says that "all domestic and international flights, both scheduled and unscheduled flights are banned, starting from April 24 – May 31, 2020".
Exceptions apply for the following flights:
Flights carrying government leaders of state institutions or foreign envoys
Flights carrying diplomats or foreign representatives / international institutions in Indonesia
Repatriation flights, carrying either foreign or Indonesian nationals
Cargo flights
Medevac flights
Unscheduled flights (private jets).
Extra healthcare to be placed if flights are originating/heading to these red zone airports: CGK, HLP, BDO, BDJ, TRK, UPG, UPG and PDG
Exceptions for special missions or flights other than the ones mentioned above can be requested to the office of Ministry of Transportation.
Previously announced restrictions remain in place. The above is in addition to the pre-existing restrictions.